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Беседа:Патрикси Лезама Периер

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от Уикипедия, свободната енциклопедия

Настъпва вандализъм. Тази страница НЕ трябва да се премахва, тъй като съдържа обширен контрол на световните власти в wikidata с дълъг списък с известност в националните библиотеки по света и включените музеи. Виж тук [1]

Прехвърлено от беседата на Молли

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IP address with conflict of interest reverting request

[редактиране на кода]

Hi. Every time that I add a deletion to an article the creator of the article removes it.

The issue was raised with stewards and global sysops at metawiki; and I have flagged it to your community as it was thought best that this be resolved at communities, not elsewhere. I will now leave this matter completely in the control of bgWP before I break your community's rules. Billinghurst (беседа) 00:33, 12 август 2021 (UTC)[отговор]

Community rules are continually and incessantly broken, you seem to have a „personal“ conflict of interest by removing this article from all wikis. You don't just put the label on it and wait for the communities to figure it out. He continually violates the wikipedia 3 rollback rules and is banned for vandalism, he contacts administrators „personally“ to influence decisions and take advantage of his rank and privileges by breaking the rules for everyone to make his wish [[2]]

Conversely. Just like an editor told you. It has NOT brought the problem to the communities of a radio station that has created the article in two hundred wikis. So that you can stop your falsehoods. He hasn't clearly followed the community rule, and told the editor that the problem was with the local wikis, but I don't see any of his tags on those 150 wikis as that's the decent thing to do. What measuring stick do you use?. The article was compliant, thanks to the contributing editors.

Studio 54 Network 150 spam [[3]] Where are your labels here? Can you tell why there is not a single tag of yours in these 150 wikis?

Sure sure sure. Umm, no. No label here yours Billinghurst Deal in favor? or do they pay you money?

Why haven't you brought this issue to the communities as determined when it was raised with administrators and global sysops?

You can see your duster administrator and global sysop? 150 articles created by the same editor „Luigi Salvatore Vadacchino“. [[4]] [[5]]

We don't see a single tag on these 150 wikis.

Има достатъчно източници. Искането е по политически причини. --Rumensz (беседа) 09:41, 15 август 2021 (UTC)[отговор]