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Беседа:Северномакедонска литература

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от Уикипедия, свободната енциклопедия
Статията „Северномакедонска литература“ е създадена или разширена в рамките на международното състезание „ЦИЕ Пролет 2015“.

Уводът е абсолютно неуместен. Всичко това е за отделен параграф най-накрая. Македонска литература има - това е факт, тя не започва с Климент Охридски - това също е факт, независимо от скопските лудости. -- Алиса Селезньова (беседа) 12:07, 30 април 2019 (UTC)[отговор]

Македонска литература

[редактиране на кода]

First off, I would like to point out that my remarks in the rewrites are not attacking anybody and if are viewed like that I apologize but that was not my intention. Let me get back to the point. When referring to the Macedonian Literature we simply can't use the term North Macedonian Literature as it can be viewed as an intentional attack on the ethnicity of Macedonians as it is the only Literature of the people of Macedonian ethnicity which is of course Slavic. With the latest in the line of agreements Greece and Bulgaria, clearly accept that they recognize a Macedonian state called North Macedonia with people that are ethnic Macedonians.

So thus, these people create the literature and that is why I'm urging you to make the right call and change the title from Северномакедонска to just Македонска литература nothing more. The use of the term North Macedonian Literature or in Bulgarian norm Северномакедонска литература is not correct. It is fair to say that there are a lot of historical points that Bulgaria deems as Bulgarian and not Macedonian but this one is not one of them. Please do not make use of Wikipedia to the extend to denounce a culture that has the same Slavic roots as yours.

It is a fact and even the Russian professor Draganov a Slavist and practically a cornerstone of Macedonian Slavic studies(who is of Bulgarian descend) point out in his dissertation that the people that live in what is now North Macedonia are separate people with separate dialects and from which this literature arose. Macedonian literature in no way can be called North Macedonian literature. That is a fact and not in any way attacking anything just defending.

I do not wish to go in depth why the Bulgarian editors decided to use this term but it is insulting to my ethnicity as a Macedonian and that is the main reason why I've been so keen on changing that. I do not wish to go into the content the sources do that part and I'm ok with that. I only have an issue with the Title which is undoubtedly false.

Kind Regards

justwowman 12:58, 27 юни 2019 (UTC)[отговор]

Thank you very much for heeding my request and presenting your point in a civilized and constructive manner. Let's see what the other editors think on these matters.
— Luchesar • Б/П 13:57, 27 юни 2019 (UTC)[отговор]