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Беседа:Мустафа Хюсейн

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от Уикипедия, свободната енциклопедия

Given his birth place I put back Категория:Македонски цигани.—-Алиса Селезньова (беседа) 12:49, 1 януари 2024 (UTC)[отговор]

"there are cited sources that the settlement was inhabited only by Romani people in the period of his birth" there is exactly the opposite in Нъте: "Нъте е бивше влашко мюсюлманско село.", "Според статистиката на Васил Кънчов („Македония. Етнография и статистика“) в 1900 година в Нѫте (Нонте) живеят 3500 власи мохамедани и 160 цигани.", "Боривое Милоевич пише в 1921 година („Южна Македония“), че Нънте (Ньнте) има 1000 къщи власи мохамедани.". Can you find a source that this person was Romani? Romani people didn't even really fight in this historical context. Vlachs (Aromanians and Megleno-Romanians) usually fought on the side of the IMRO or independent pro-Romanian bands. Super Dromaeosaurus (беседа) 13:14, 1 януари 2024 (UTC)[отговор]
Алиса Селезньова, sincerely, I am confused as to how have you fixed on the concept of Notia having a high Romani population. If we take Vasil Kanchov's estimate, Notia was 4.3% Romani and 95.7% Vlach. This is not a mixed Vlach-Gypsy village as you've written [1]. Bulgaria itself is 4.42% Romani, and also 7.99% Turkish, but we don't define it as a Bulgarian-Turkish or a Bulgarian-Gypsy state. If you are not able of bringing a source confirming this person was a Romani, I will remove the category again. Super Dromaeosaurus (беседа) 16:57, 1 януари 2024 (UTC)[отговор]
Then you should remove the category for being Vlach too - both are based in his birth place, that Kanchov notes as mixed Vlach and Romani one and Brankoff notes as a Romani one. I definitely think both categories should sty as his birth place is noted in the source for being both.—-Алиса Селезньова (беседа) 17:17, 1 януари 2024 (UTC)[отговор]
Алиса Селезньова, I am not opposed since there is not a source saying this person was Vlach either. Would you agree to removing both categories and to not attribute any nationality to the village? Super Dromaeosaurus (беседа) 19:26, 1 януари 2024 (UTC)[отговор]
I think that based on the birth place both categories are relevant. Let’s wait for other opinions. Протогер:, Мико:?—-Алиса Селезньова (беседа) 14:43, 2 януари 2024 (UTC)[отговор]
None. -- Мико (беседа) 15:08, 2 януари 2024 (UTC)[отговор]
Etnicity is one thing, nationality is another. In the case of Mustafa Husein, by nationality he was probably a Bulgarian. In my opinion, a compromise solution is to add both categories or to remove them both. --Протогер (беседа) 19:33, 2 януари 2024 (UTC)[отговор]
I removed both categories and nationalities of the village. Hopefully this ends the dispute. Regards, Super Dromaeosaurus (беседа) 11:07, 3 януари 2024 (UTC)[отговор]