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Шаблон:Cite patent

от Уикипедия, свободната енциклопедия
[редактиране] [почистване] Документация


This template identifies a patent or patent application and links to the patents entry in the espacenet database, and also provides some additional information about the cited patent. Suggested uses are within a pair of <ref></ref> tags or as part of a (patent) bibliography at the end of the article. This template should not be used in the body of an article; for more details, see the External Links guideline.

General patent template for citing patents or patent applications from any country is drawn from the espacenet database. This database is more useful than the USPTO database since it highlights related patents/applications in other countries as well as providing current status information and offers a multi-language interface (English/French/German).

Copy the text below into an article to reference a patent Шаблон:Csdoc

{{cite patent
| country	= 
| number	= 
| status	= 
| title		= 
| pubdate	= 
| gdate		= 
| fdate		= 
| pridate	= 
| inventor	= 
| invent1	= 
| invent2	= 
| assign1	= 
| assign2	= 
| class		= 
| url		= 

|} Шаблон:Csdoc

{{cite patent |country= |number= |status= |title= |pubdate= |gdate= |fdate= |pridate= |inventor= |invent1= |invent2= |assign1= |assign2= |class= |url=}}



{{cite patent
| country = 
| number = 
| status = 
| title =
| pubdate = 
| gdate	= 
| fdate	= 
| pridate = 
| inventor = 
| invent1 = 
| invent2 = 
| assign1 = 
| assign2 = 
| class	= 
| url = 


if "status=application"
unless "status=application"


two letter country code 
patent or patent application publication number
publication date (YYYY-MM-DD)
granted date (YYYY-MM-DD)
filing date (YYYY-MM-DD) 
(earliest) priority date (YYYY-MM-DD)
list of inventors (free format)
first inventor name (
second inventor name 
first assignee name 
second assignee name  
ECLA classification 
explicit URL (if not present on espacenet)


The fields should be filled in with the following information

{{cite patent
| country	= <!-- two letter country code -->
| number	= <!-- patent or patent application publication number -->
| status	= <!-- application/patent -->
| title		= <!-- title -->
| pubdate	= <!-- YYYY-MM-DD -->
| gdate		= <!-- YYYY-MM-DD -->
| fdate		= <!-- YYYY-MM-DD -->
| pridate	= <!-- YYYY-MM-DD -->
| inventor	= <!-- list of inventors (free format) -->
| invent1	= <!-- first inventor name -->
| invent2	= <!-- second inventor name -->
| assign1	= <!-- first assignee name -->
| assign2	= <!-- second assignee name -->
| class		= <!-- ECLA classification -->
| url		= <!-- Explicit URL -->

Explanation of fields:

  1. The country must be the two letter country code, e.g. "US" or "WO" (for international patent applications) See here for the full list of country codes.
  2. Do not put commas in patent number
  3. Applications must be identified by publication number
  4. Add " | title = title " to display the title. Required
  5. Add " | status = application " if the citation is a pending application. Preferably include " | status = patent " if a granted patent.
  6. Add " | assign1 = assignee " to display the assignee. Increase the numeral for subsequent assignees. Template currently handles two assignees.
  7. Add " | inventor = inventor list to provide the inventor names. Displayed by the template but not used to generate COinS meta data. If |inventor= is present but blank, no inventor names will be displayed, even if |invent1= contains a name.
  8. Add " | invent1 = inventor last name, inventor first name " to provide the inventor name. Displayed by the template and also used to generate COinS meta data. Increase the numeral for subsequent inventors. Template currently handles four inventors.
  9. Add " | pubdate = YYYY-MM-DD " to provide the publication date of an application. This is only displayed if "status=application" is included. For granted patents, use gdate. Required if "status=application".
  10. Add " | gdate = YYYY-MM-DD " to provide the date of grant of a patent. Is displayed unless "status=application" is included. Preferentially include "status=patent" to confirm that the patent is granted, but this is not required. Required unless "status=application".
  11. Add " | pridate = YYYY-MM-DD " to provide the (earliest) priority date. Not displayed, but could be useful to include for future reference. Including multiple priorities unnecessarily complicated.
  12. Add " | fdate = YYYY-MM-DD " to provide the filing date. Not displayed, but used to generate COinS meta data and may prove useful in future.
  13. Add " |class=ECLA classification " to provide the ECLA classification. Not displayed, but could be useful to include for future reference. Might be possible to automatically link to the relevant classification in future, but URLs are complex.
  14. Add " |url=url " to provide an explicit URL to the patent information. This is only necessary for patents that aren't present on espacenet.com; typically very old patents.

The "country" parameter must be a two letter country code without periods (e.g. US or EP, not U.S., USA, or E.P.)

The number parameter must be the patent number or patent application publication number without any intervening commas or other punctuation (e.g. 2135432, not 2,135,432; likewise, 2005108455, not 2005/108455). You may need to experiment with the precise form for published US patent applications or PCT applications, which are slightly unusual. Help for getting the correct number format can be found here.

Add "|status=application" (without quotes) if you are citing a patent application rather than a patent. Patent applications must be referred to by publication number, not application number.

One (or both) of the publication date or the grant date must be included, as must the title.

To cite WIPO (aka PCT) patent application WO 2005/083605 A1, use:

{{cite patent
| country = WO
| number = 2005083605
| status = application
| title = Insurance fee calculation device, insurance fee calculation program,
insurance fee calculation method, and insurance fee calculation system
| pubdate = 2005-09-09
| fdate = 2005-02-24
| pridate = 2004-02-26
| invent1 = Kozakai Toshihiko
| assign1 = Aioi Insurance Co Ltd

Results in: WO application 2005083605, Kozakai Toshihiko, "Insurance fee calculation device, insurance fee calculation program, insurance fee calculation method, and insurance fee calculation system", published 2005-09-09, assigned to Aioi Insurance Co Ltd 

To cite US patent 7,143,445, use:

{{cite patent |country=US |number=7143445 |status=patent}}

Results in: US patent 7143445 

To cite US patent 7,143,445, published 2006-11-28, use:

{{cite patent |country=US |number=7143445 |gdate=2006-11-28}}

Results in: US 7143445, issued 2006-11-28 

To cite US patent application 2006265789 use:

{{cite patent |country=US |number=2006265789 |status=application}}

Results in: US application 2006265789 

To cite European patent application 1727416, use:

{{cite patent |country=EP |number=1727416 |status=application}}

Results in: EP application 1727416 


Документация на шаблона създадена чрез TemplateData и използвана от Визуалния редактор и други инструменти;

TemplateData за Cite patent

General patent template for citing patents or patent applications from any country is drawn from the espacenet database.

Параметри на шаблона[Редактиране данните на шаблона]

Country codecountry country-code country

two letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2); the top 10 countries by patent application in 2011 were - JP=Japan, CN=China, US=United States, KR=South Korea, DE=Germany, FR=France, GB=United Kingdom, CH=Switzerland, NL=Netherlands, RU=Russia

Publication numbernumber publication-number patent-number

patent or patent application publication number ... do not include commas (e.g. 1,700,545 should be 1700545)

Ред (кратък)предложен

patent title

Statusstatus description status

application or patent - If pending, use application. If granted, use patent

По подразбиране
Ред (кратък)предложен
Date of publication pubdate publication-date

the publication date of an application, required if status/description=application; use format YYYY-MM-DD

Ред (кратък)предложен
Filing datefdate

the filing date; this is not displayed, but is used to generate COinS meta data and may have future utility. Use YYYY-MM-DD

Priority datepridate

the (earliest) priority date; this is not displayed, but could be useful to include for future reference. Including multiple priorities is unnecessarily complicated. Use YYYY-MM-DD

Date of issuegdate issue-date

the date of grant (issuance) of a patent; required if status/description _is not_ "application"

Inventor 1 - surnameinvent1 inventor-surname inventor1-surname inventor-last inventor1-last inventor invent-1 invent1

surname - 1st inventor

Ред (кратък)предложен
Inventor 2 - surnameinvent2 inventor2-surname inventor2-last inventor2 invent2

surname - 2nd inventor

Ред (кратък)незадължителен
Inventor 3 - surnameinvent3 inventor3-surname inventor3-last inventor3 invent3

surname - 3rd inventor

Ред (кратък)незадължителен
Inventor 4 - surnameinvent4 inventor4-surname inventor4-last inventor4 invent4

surname - 4th inventor

Ред (кратък)незадължителен
Inventor 1 - given nameinventor1-first inventor-given inventor1-given inventor-first

given name - 1st inventor

Ред (кратък)предложен
Inventor 2 - given nameinventor2-first inventor2-given

given name - 2nd inventor

Ред (кратък)незадължителен
Inventor 3 - given nameinventor3-first inventor3-given

given name - 3rd inventor

Ред (кратък)незадължителен
Inventor 4 - given nameinventor4-first inventor4-given

given name - 4th inventor

Ред (кратък)незадължителен
Inventor 1 - Wikipedia articleinventorlink inventorlink1

Wikilink biographical article name, no square brackets

Име на страницанезадължителен
Inventor 2 - Wikipedia articleinventorlink2

add biographical article name, no square brackets

Име на страницанезадължителен
Inventor 3 - Wikipedia articleinventorlink3

add biographical article name, no square brackets

Име на страницанезадължителен
Inventor 4 - Wikipedia articleinventorlink4

add biographical article name, no square brackets

Име на страницанезадължителен
Assignee - firstassign1

first assignee's name

Ред (кратък)незадължителен
Assignee - secondassign2

second assignee's name

Ред (кратък)незадължителен

Explicit URL to patent information

По подразбиране
URL адреснезадължителен

Шаблон:Basepage subpage