Направо към съдържанието

Уилям Баумол

от Уикипедия, свободната енциклопедия
Уилям Баумол
William Baumol
американски икономист
Бронкс, Ню Йорк, САЩ
4 май 2017 г. (95 г.)
Ню Йорк, САЩ

Националност Американска
Учил вЛондонско училище по икономика и политически науки
Научна дейност
ОбластМакроикономика, политическа икономика
ШколаНео-кейнсианска икономика
Работил вНюйоркски университет
Принстънски университет
Известен сБаумол-Тобин модел
Ефект на Баумол
ПовлиянЙозеф Шумпетер, Артур Пигу, Кейнс
ПовлиялДжеймс Тобин, Жан Тирол

Уилям Джак Баумол (р. 26 февруари 1922) е професор по икономика в Нюйоркския университет (макар че е свързан и с Принстън), който е писал обширно върху пазара на труда и други икономически фастори, които повлияват икономиката. Той също така има съществени приноси за история на икономическата мисъл. Той е от най-влиятелните икономисти в света според IDEAS/RePEc.

Основни публикации

[редактиране | редактиране на кода]
Precursors in mathematical economics, 1968
  • „Community Indifference“, 1946, RES
  • „A Community Indifference Map: A construction“, 1949, RES.
  • „A Formalization of Mr. Harrod's Model“, 1949, EJ.
  • „The Analogy between Producer and Consumer Equilibrium Analysis“, with Helen Makower, 1950, Economica.
  • Economic Dynamics, with R. Turvey, 1951.
  • „The Transaction Demand for Cash: An inventory-theoretic approach“, 1952, QJE.
  • „The Classical Monetary Theory: The outcome of the discussion“, with G.S. Becker, 1952, Economica.
  • Welfare Economics and the Theory of the State, 1952.
  • „Firms with Limited Money Capital“, 1953, Kyklos.
  • Economic Processes and Policies, with L.V. Chandler, 1954.
  • „More on the Multiplier Effect of a Balanced Budget“, with M.H. Preston, 1955, AER.
  • „Acceleration without Magnification“, 1956, AER.
  • „Variety in Retailing“, with E.A. Ide, 1956 Management Science.
  • „Speculation, Profitability and Stability“, 1957, REStat.
  • „Activity Analysis in One Lesson“, 1958, AER.
  • „On the Theory of Oligopoly“, 1958, Economica.
  • „Topology of Second Order Linear Difference Equations with Constant Coefficients“, 1958, Econometrica.
  • „The Cardinal Utility which is Ordinal“, 1958, EJ.
  • Business Behavior, Value and Growth, 1959.
  • „Integer Programming and Pricing“, with R.E. Gomory, 1960, Econometrica.
  • Economic Theory and Operations Analysis, 1961.
  • „What Can Economic Theory Contribute to Managerial Economics?“, 1961, AER.
  • „Pitfalls in Contracyclical Policies: Some tools and results“, 1961, REStat.
  • „The Theory of Expansion of the Firm“, 1962, AER.
  • „Stocks, Flows and Monetary Theory“, 1962, QJE.
  • „An Expected Gain-Confidence Limit Criterion for Portfolio Selection“, 1963, Management Science.
  • „Rules of Thumb and Optimally Imperfect Decisions“, with R. E. Quandt, 1964, American Economic Review, 54, p. 23-46
  • „Decomposition, Pricing for Decentralization and External Economics“, with T.Fabian, 1964, Management Science.
  • „On the Performing Arts: the anatomy of their economic problems“, with W.G. Bowen, 1965, AER.
  • „Investment and Discount Rates Under Capital Rationing“, with R.E.Quandt, 1965, EJ.
  • „Informed Judgement, Rigorous Theory and Public Policy“, 1965, Southern EJ.
  • The Stock Market and Economic Efficiency, 1965.
  • Performing Arts: the economic dilemma, 1966.
  • „The Ricardo Effect in Point-Input, Point-Output Case“, 1966, Essays in Mathematical Economics in Honor of Oskar Morgenstern.
  • „Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth: The anatomy of urban crisis“, 1967, AER.
  • „Calculation of Optimal Product and Retailer Characteristics“, 1967, JPE.
  • „The Firm's Optimal Debt-Equity Combination and the Cost of Capital“, with B.G. Malkiel, 1967, QJE.
  • „Error Produced by Linearization in Mathematical Programming“, with R. Bushnell, 1967, Econometrica.
  • „The Dual of Nonlinear Programming and its Economic Interpretation“, with M.L.Balinski, 1968, RES.
  • „Entrepreneurship in Economic Theory“, 1968, May, American Economic Review
  • „On the Social Rate of Discount“, 1968, AER.
  • „On the Discount Rate for Public Projects“, 1969, Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditures.
  • „Input Choices and Rate-of-Return Regulation: An overview of the discussion“, with A.K.Klevorick, 1970, Bell JE.
  • „Optimal Departures from Marginal Cost Pricing“, with D.F. Bradford, 1970, AER.
  • „The Economics of Athenian Drama“, 1971, QJE.
  • Environmental protection, International Spillovers and Trade, 1971.
  • „On the Economics of the Theatre in Renaissance London“ with Mary Oates, 1972, Swedish JE.
  • „The Dynamics of Urban Problems and its Policy Implications“, 1972, in Preston and Corry, editors, Essays in Honor of Lord Robbins.
  • „Taxation and the Control of Externalities“, 1972, AER.
  • „Detrimental Externalities and Non-Convexity of the Production Set“, with D.F. Bradford, 1972, Economica.
  • „The Transformation of Values: What Marx 'Really' Meant“, 1974, JEL.
  • The Theory of Environmental Policy, with W.E.Oates, 1975.
  • Economics, Environmental Policy and Quality of Life, with W.E.Oates and S.A. Batey Blackman 1979.
  • Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure, with J.C. Panzar and R.D. Wilig, 1982
  • „Contestable Markets: An Uprising in the Theory of Industry Structure“, 1982, „AER“.
  • Microtheory: Applications and origins, 1986
  • Superfairness: Application and theory, with D. Fischer, 1986
  • „The Optimal Cash Balance Proposition: Maurice Allais' Priority“, with J. Tobin, 1989, JEL
  • Productivity and American Leadership: The long view, with S.A. Batey Blackman and E.N. Wolff, 1989.
  • Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive and Destructive, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 98(3), pp. 893 – 921, 1990
  • Perfect Markets and Easy Virtue: Business ethics and the invisible hand, with S.A. Batey Blackman, 1992
  • Entrepreneurship, Management and the Structure of Profit, 1993.
  • The Free Market Innovation Machine: Analyzing the Growth Miracle of Capitalism, 2002.
  • Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity, co-authored with Robert Litan and Carl J. Schramm, 2007
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